
Monday, June 25, 2012

Louis Comfort Tiffany & Brown Memorial Church in Baltimore

Greetings Sweeties...
Well, here I am back from my little, short vacation to Baltimore for my brother's
graduation from his residency at the University of Maryland. He is now officially
a surgeon, back here in Cali where he belongs & doing his fellowship in
vascular surgery at USC...I could not be any PROUDER!!

A few weeks ago, I went crazy on Pinterest, as I usually do, & started
a whole new category on Louis Comfort Tiffany. Being an interior design
major, I have always loved all elements of design, but Tiffany
has always been a favorite of mine.

While 'researching' for my Pinterest collection, I found out something that was
 completely unknown to me. I've been to Baltimore 5 or 6 times since my brother
has been going to school there & I couldn't imagine me NOT knowing this fact...

Baltimore, Maryland, has one of the worlds largest & finest 
collections of Tiffany art still in it's original setting.
OK...they had me at HELLO!!! 

So, even though this vacation was not about me & was filled with a schedule
of events & parties & ceremonies for the graduate,

my brother said there was a short window {good choice of words!!!} of time for me to see
something I wanted to see in Baltimore, to which I excitedly answered...

"I want to go to the church with all the TIFFANY WINDOWS in it!"

We were literally there within minutes. I grabbed my camera & bolted from
the car, clicking away as I walked towards this amazing Gothic cathedral.
Walking to each one of the locked doors, we were beginning
to realize this church was open by appointment only or
on Sundays & we had neither going for us.

Can anyone say...Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

As our very last resort, my brother & I opened a rod iron fence that was most
certainly not meant to be opened by the General Public. At the very moment
that the gates parted, a passer by says, "Can I help you?"

Looking to the sidewalk, now half way inside the OFF LIMITS area,
I start rambling a list of reasons from A through Z to this seemingly random
woman, of why I must get into the church. She smiles & asks us to come into
the church office which was in the building next door...a door we never tried.

 The Good Shepard by Wilbur Burnham

She introduces us to the church secretary who has a set of keys in her hand & as
she leads us into HEAVEN, she asks if we would like the lights on or off...
we say off & she floats away like an angel leaving us alone in
this room of LIGHT.

At this point, few words are needed...

The New Creation by Tiffany Studios

Saint Gabriel by Tiffany Studios

Saint John by Tiffany Studios

The Baptism of Christ by Tiffany Studios

I Am The Way by Tiffany Studios

Annunciation to the Shepherds by Tiffany Studios

Christ in Gethsemane by Tiffany Studios

An astonishing 63 panels of glass depict the story of a host of angels heralding
the birth of Jesus to the shepherds below.

The Holy City by Tiffany Studios

The Lord is my Shepherd by Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co

Lead Kingly Light by Tiffany Studios

If I Be Lifted Up by Tiffany Studios

I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes by Gorham Manufacturing Co

My Dad with The New Creation in the background

The Tiffany Windows of Brown Memorial are Sacred Glass,

& above all of those beautiful, beyond breathtaking windows...

are magnificent Gothic arches that seem to go on forever.

Can you tell that I LOVED it there?
Can you tell it was one of the HIGHLIGHTS of my trip?
Can you tell I'm going to HIGHLY recommend that you go
there if you ever go to Baltimore, Maryland?

Can you tell that I'm soooooooooooo excited that we got inside this glorious church
& that I didn't just have to enjoy these windows from the outside?

Now when you see me OCDing on Pinterest just remember...
Susie's crazy for doing so much PINNING, but she may be finding a
diamond in the rough with all her insane researching.
We may never know until she actually gets there!  ;)



  1. I have always had a THING for amazing Church (& other stained glass) windows! WOW what a collection this place has. There is a church in Orange TX that has amazing windows & the family (Stark) which put them in has many Tiffany pieces (desk set, lamps etc.) LOVE this post Susie & so glad you had fun in Boston & THANK YOU for sharing! HUGS!

  2. Oh WOW!!! These windows are amazing! (I'm always trying to get inside churches to take pictures, too.)

  3. I have a thing for all old building, churches, shops, barns--you get the idea. I get snap-happy with my camera when we travel, and I can always tell when my family is rolling their eyes every time I stop to take a photo.

    This church is gorgeous, and I'm so glad you got to see the inside too!

  4. Hi Susie--
    What a beautiful blog post!! Thought of you as I drove past Crestline on my way to Lake Arrowhead. Next time I'll see if we can meet for coffee. Would love to catch up--love the look of your blog :)

  5. Wow! The stained-glass windows are so amazing!


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