
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Queen Elizabeth II & her Diamond Jubilee

Today is the last day of celebrations for Queen Elizabeth II's
Diamond Jubilee!!
The Diamond Jubilee is the 60 year anniversary of a monarch's reign & has only
happened once before in England's history when Queen Victoria
celebrated her Diamond Jubilee in 1897.

As I sit here watching CNN in preparation for the Queen & her family to come out
onto the balcony, I think of the history that had to happened in order to get 
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary to this moment.

She was an unlikely monarch.
Her father, King George VI, was the 2nd son of King George V,
who's eldest son Edward, was groomed to become the next King of England.

After the death of his father, Edward became King Edward VIII, but his reign
was to be short lived. He ruled England from January to December of 1936,
at which time he abdicated the throne for his American,
divorcee mistress, Wallis Simpson.

And of course as you know, that's a whole other story.  ;)
So, due to an unforeseen set of circumstances,
Elizabeth's father became King George VI.

Look at all the crowns in this picture...Yummmmy!!!
So the princess who would be Queen, started her royal journey to the monarchy.
Something I've always thought must be so heartbreaking, is the fact that in order
to become a King or Queen, your parent must die. During a time of great
sorrow, you must take on the tremendous responsibility of a nation.

But Queen Elizabeth II did it magnificently!!

She was quite a beauty at the time she took the throne...

& exudes graciousness, confidence & elegance.

The Diamond Jubilee crown made for Queen Victoria...

One of her clothing ensembles designed by Angela Kelly for her Diamond Jubilee,
it took a year to design & create.

A few of the many festivities in Queen Elizabeth's honor...

a flotilla on the Thames in the Royal barge...

the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Concert in front of Buckingham Palace...
{she wore earplugs, how cute...}

& a Royal Carriage Ride...all of it, fit for a Queen!

Here's the moment I was waiting for, HRH The Queen, surrounded by her royal heirs.
Having had Diana as his mother, Prince William will make a wonderful King of
the People, just as Diana was the People's Princess.

Queen Elizabeth II
on your Diamond Jubilee!!!
What a magnificent achievement!

And YES...I've already ordered my Diamond Jubilee souvenirs!!!
I got the mug & the tea towel above & it was in pounds,
so God only knows how much I really spent!!! LOL



  1. My word!! These photos are gorgeous. I had no idea what a beautiful young woman she was-still is!!!

  2. Thanks for this post! I loved it. Such a special lady and time for her. Kit

  3. What a wonderful memoir!!!! And look at all that wonderful stuff! The crown is spectacular!


  4. Great post Susie! I even pinned a couple of your photos. I really used to like the Royal family but, after the whole Diana thing I really don't any more. But, I do think that Kate & Wills will bring fresh young blood into a dusty old group. It is amazing that Queen E has ruled well & long. I just don't like her or Charles & his "new dog". I do adore the wonderful old photos of Royals of the past. HUGS!

  5. I really appreciate the person who has written such a wonderful blog. Your simple use of language and no frills makes the post a great read...


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