
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Via Con Dios...

Via Con Dios Sweet Hearts...

I'm grinnin from ear to ear...

& thinkin to myself, " know what? You're a CRAZY old lady, but after all this time you're still a hell of a lot of fun!"
Talk at you from TEXAS!!!!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

a Magic camera strap...

So...while blog browsing at some of my very favoritest places, I happened by my friend Connie's blog, She Dreams Big, & saw a post about her new amazing camera. Many of you know that I too have a new love, my Fuji Finepix.

As I pondered the idea of us both getting remarkable & unblurry photographs with our new equipment, I saw that she had made what I considered to be some adorable Magical Looking Camera Straps & I became convinced that if I too had a Magical Camera Strap my pictures would instantly be transformed from ordinary to extraordinary! Fast Forward to today...look what magically appeared on my door step! Is it a 6 pack of eggs from the chicky fariy's?

I carefully opened up the crate as to not break any eggs when to my surprise I saw 4 of my favoritest things...brown, green, polka dots & ruffles.

Why, this isn't eggs at all! To my sheer joy, I unveiled my very own Magic Camera Strap!

I ADORE it!!!!

OMG, are far too kind! I can picture my camera hanging on my shoulder as I meander the fields & barns & booths surrounding Round Top, Texas.

As I strike the most amazing picture taking stances know to man, strangers will be staring at me & asking, "Where did she get that adorable & yet functional Magic Camera Strap? I want one too!" After getting my perfect picture, I will turn & say...
" Go to She Dreams Big & ask for Connie, camera strap maker extraordinaire!"

I HEART you Miss Connie & I soooo HEART my new camera strap!!
Thank You Sweet Friend!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

soooo...what am I looking for?

Good Tuesday to ya Sweet Hearts...
Time is flying by as I prepare for my cross country voyage. {at least it seems that way to me, lol} I might as well be taking a steamer to Antarctica, this is quite the adventure for this small town girl!
How do you like my new brochure I made for my shop, Lambs & Ivy Boutique? My sweet friend Lynn from Blue Skies blog fame took most of the photo's on her 1st visit & they are all still some of my very favorites.

Soooo, many of you have been wondering what amazing & priceless vintage & junky booty I will be looking for on my incredible journey.

I have an addiction to baby cabinet cards, so pure & sweet.

Actually, I have an addiction to ALL cabinet cards especially if they have a tiny touch of color in them.

Tin Types & what I might do with them are always on my mind...but I just can't make myself deface these little works of art.

I must have skeleton keys to make into jewelry & anything with chippy paint will be considered!

And how can you ever have enough vintage sewing cabinet drawers? I could have 100 & still think of more things I'd like to store in them!

I just can't seem to get enough vintage religious icons lately, I LOVE everything about them. Rosaries, metals, bibles, craved wooden angels. Someone at my shop asked me recently "if I'd found the Lord"? I said "I never knew he was lost, but I do adore all things religious". Now that I think of it, I've been a California Mission junky for ions.

Of course, I plan to bring home as many old tin ceiling tiles that I can carry!

And if I find anything that even resembles this 'it's mine'!

Architectural detail is a must...

as is anything rusty, chippy, broken, half there, weather worn or faded!
So, I guess you could say just about everything there will be fair game. OMG...I hope I'm not 1 of those ladies who knocks people over trying to get too my "must haves'! Oh well, hopefully I won't know them if I do & all is fair in war & junky love, right!

Oh yeah...I'm also looking for one of these to help me get my booty all home in one piece, or several pieces if required. LOL
Sunday is Mission Texas blastoff, stay tuned!!!


Monday, September 13, 2010

on the road again!

Ladies {echo...ladies} & Gentlemen {gentlemen}...
By Unanimous Decision {decision}...
vintagesusie {vintagesusie} will be DRIVING {driving}
to TEXAS {Texas}!
Loud roar of applause, hats flying in the air, pats on the back and a few "atta boy's" thrown in for good measure. That's right friends, you heard it here 1st...I will be dusting off the old jalopy & headin east lookin for JUNK!!!

I want to THANK YOU all for your fabulous advice! You are all the bestest bloggy friends anyone could ever have!! Yes, it would be better if I had a pal to come along...but it looks like it will just be me & Willie 'On the Road Again'!

So, as long as I don't run into this...

or run out of this...

I should be one of the lucky ones who get to go to this!!! That's right, the line of Junker's on their way to...Warrenton, Round Top, Marburger, The Junk Gypsy's Prom, Garden Antiques Blog Party & all pastures, haylofts, barns & fields in between.

I've got my maps ready, my bags packed {well, not really} & I'm beyond eager to leave. {is leavin 10 days before check-in tooo early?}
I must tell y'all, the words that really made my mind up were...
Drive Baby, Drive!!!