
Saturday, October 16, 2010

rosa & josie's, diane cook at marburger farm

It's Saturday Sweet Hearts...what do you have planned for the weekend??  :)

I'm off to Kai's soccer game & then to my little shop, 'Lambs & Ivy Boutique', for my final weekend of sales. I can truly say I have absolutely NO REGRETS. I am thrilled with the idea of being able to travel this winter with my sweet hubby looking for JUNK & livin the Gypsy Life!

I thought I'd share some of my photo's of my dear friend Diane Cook's awesome booth at Marburger Farm. She is an amazing jewelry designer, my inspiration in my own jewelry creations & if not for her, I may never have even known about the fabulousness of the Texas Junky Lifestyle!

I ADORE her postcards & hang tags...

Who created these gorgeous designs? Silly me...I did, what am I thinkin?
{a shameless attempt at self promotion, lol}

Everything Diane touches is done with perfection & class, including her beautiful booth at Marburger!

Here she is the morning of opening day, she's so dear to me. I came to Texas for many reasons, but meeting my friend was at the top of my list!

This fabulous banner looked great as the entrance to her booth!

The image we used is from one of her family cabinet cards of two little sisters holding hands & she had the original photo in her booth. I was excited to finally get the chance to see it in person, it's so precious!

Her designs range from bracelets of leather & lace to necklaces of vintage crystals & beads.

Her Etched Layered Cuffs are beyond beautiful & were published in this Belle Amoire Jewelry magazine.

I LOVED this dress form bedazzeled with her designs...

Soooooo Yummmmmmy!

I was overjoyed when Diane gave me one of her ice resin necklaces that says, "Face Your Journey"!
How perfect is that sentiment for my 'Great Texas Adventure'...Thank You friend!

And then I had to have another one that said, 'Marburger Farm' with the cutest image in it. I wear them together ALL the time!

This is a new design she's come up with & will be teaching a class on how to make them. It's a sterling silver thimble filled with loveliness.

To find out more about Diane & her classes & jewelry designs, go visit her blog, rosa & josie's . You won't be disappointed!

And for me, I'm off to complete a portion of my
life's journey.
One door closing, as so many doors open.
Life's adventures are always unfolding, if we are only able to be brave enough to SEE with new eyes!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

home again means Disneyland!

Happy Hump Day Sweeties...
Well, my Texas adventure is over, but my real life adventure is just beginning! I'm in the mist of closing out the shop, which will lead me to yet another fork in my road called life.

But, as seems to be a pattern in my life, along every path comes unexpected detours. My beautiful daughter Courtney was given 3 free passes to Disneyland & California Adventure for last Sunday, which she joyously asked me to share in with her & Kai. Now having just gotten back from my trek & knowing I needed to sell some merchandise...I told her I should probably not go & work instead. She responded, "What?? Mom, free passes to Disneyland, have you lost your mind?"

Anyone who knows me knows what a ridculous answer I had given her. I would NEVER pass up a chance ANYTIME to go to Disneyland, it's my Home Away From Home...Courtney grew up there!

Awakening from my self induced stupor I shouted out, "OMG, what am I thinkin, of course I want to go with you to Disneyland!" I don't care if I have to pack everything up & just bring it you know how much a hopper ticket to Disneyland costs these days?? You don't want to know! Let's just say I could probably buy 2 Magnolia Pearl tops with that money.

So last Sunday, I was at the Happiest Place on Earth with my daughter & grandson! {you can read about why Disneyland means so much to me here , from an earilier post}

The sun was shining, the sky was blue & it couldn't have been a better day to enjoy the park! Kai got to see soooo many of his favorite Disney characters.

And the best part was that it was all decked out for Halloween & they turn the Haunted Mansion into The Nightmare Before Christmas, which we all just LOVE!!!

Here's Jack & Sally with Courtney & Kai...

Oh yeah...I almost forgot. Another perk she got with these tickets, is 4 front of the line passes for each of us. So we could pick the 4 most crowded rides, use our pass & go straight to the front of the line...that ROCKS PEOPLE!!!

We used them on Space Mountain & The Haunted Mansion In Disneyland...

& Soarin Over California & The Tower of Terror in California Adventure.
{ps: check out the hat & tank & ring I wore, The Junk Gypsy's were represented by Moi}

Here's Kai with his Jack Sparrow sword which he loved! It's soooo easy to  please a kid, a $6.95 Jack Sparrow sword & it was like GOLD to him, you gotta love it.

Mommy & Kai...

Monga & Kai...

Woody & Kai! :)

Because we are such a Disneyland family, if having to choose between Disneyland or California Adventure, the Big D will always win. Courtney had never been before, I had been once when my friend took me for my birthday & Kai had been with his Daddy a few years back. When spending that kind of money, you just have to know you are going to have the most amazing time & I just don't get that at the other park.

I do adore the Soarin Over California sit in what looks like a row full of swings & once safely secured, you start to fly up into a movie of Yosemite, the ocean, San Francisco, orange groves that you can smell the sweet aroma of their blossoms. Totally cooooool...

Kai had fun looking at some of the Cars movie props & went on a couple fun little rides & then he & Mommy braved the Tower of Terror, which I was too ascared to go on so I waited out front for them to finish. They both really liked that ride...but our overall consenses was that if we had paid full price to get in, we would have been really disappointed.

Moral of the story...
Stick to the CLASSIC'S & you'll never be disappointed!!!
Happy Halloween month friends & I hope you enjoyed our little excursion to The Happiest Place on Earth.
I never leave empty hearted, my memory banks go so far back with this one...everytime I go it's like

Monday, October 11, 2010

san antonio & The Alamo

Happy Monday Sweet Hearts!!!
It's hard for me to believe a week has gone by since I was walking the fields of Texas. When you have such a remarkable awakening as I did to the fabulousness of the Junkified Lifestyle, all you want to do is to get BACK TO IT!

Hittin the open road now kind of calls to me, but at least I have some amazing memories of the two lane blacktop. I truly am The Accidental Tourist!

Takin the detours in life has lead me to some of the most wondrous sights & historical landmarks this country has to offer & The Alamo was not a disappointment. Here is the Memorial to The Alamo Defenders that stands proud & strong in the Alamo Plaza under the blue Texas skies.

Erected in Memory of the Heroes who sacrificed their lives at the Alamo, March 6, 1836 in the defense of Texas. "They chose never to surrender nor retreat, these brave hearts with flag still proudly waving perished in the flames of immortality that their high sacrifice might lead to the founding on this Texas."

The Alamo is smack dab in the middle of downtown San Antonio.

Standing there looking at the 360 degree view surrounding it, it seemed like the perfect tribute to this little mission built in 1758, where such a pivotal battle in the Texas Revolution took place.

As with all the Texas Missions, their simplicity mixed with such amazing ornate stone work, always leaves me in awe.

The Live Oak Tree in Convento Courtyard, was planted in 1914 to beautify the grounds. It is HUGE!

And there are several cannons still on the grounds that were actually used in the famous battle.

The entrance to The Alamo Museum & Gift Shop...

I have to admit, the one thing that took me most by surprise, was how moved I was walking inside The Alamo. No photography is allowed once you have entered the hallowed grounds where so many fought & gave their lives.

Looking into the actual room where the women & children were hidden at the height of the battle, unexpectedly my eyes filled with tears & the hairs on my arms stood up. The feeling of their fear was tangible to me, standing near that cold, stone room.

The Alamo will be unforgettable to me. I am soooooo glad I took the time to see this National Treasure & a little more of San Antonio!

I Loved The Alamo Plaza Gazebo...

& some the architectural details I found walking the streets of San Anton!

I was so excited to see this sign! I spotted it while I was still trying to figure out where to park & my mind took me back to the idea of a 5 & 10 a hundred years ago. Possibly a soda fountain & little pharmacy, sundries & some fabric & ribbon on vintage bolts...but that was not to be. It was a typical tourist store selling Alamo souvenirs, bummer huh!

Knowing I was running out of time & so needed to hit the road, I considered not seeing San Antonio's Riverwalk, but it was the 1 thing my Dad thought I should see.

So, again...I took the time to SEE!

And again, I'm soooo glad I DID!

The Riverwalk or Paseo Del Rio, is a 2 1/2 mile stretch of beautifully landscaped waterfront on the San Antonio River.

A photo of my little friend, who must have known I was all by myself & decided to keep me company while I sat at an outdoor cafe drinking my Shiner Bock & eating a hot dog.

Even the birdies are more friendly in Texas!

The Riverwalk was beautiful & I soooo wish I could have stayed longer & really enjoyed some extra shopping & dining along the river's edge.

But a little taste of something fabulous, is better then no taste at all.

I LOVED San Antonio!!!

Heading back to my car after my rather long detour, I saw this on the side of 1 of the old buildings near my parking lot & thought...'Me & Texas have a lot in common'! LOL

I'm going straight home & painting this on the front of my house!!!!
Texas Rocks!