It all started so innocently. I have always loved paper dolls, as a child one of my favorite memories is when my Mother would get her McCall's magazine issue & I would get my new Betsy McCall paper doll. Carefully I would tear out the page & sit on the floor with my scissors & cut out Betsy or one of her friends & a bevy of cute outfits for her to wear...what a sweet & simple joy. Well, I recently joined an 'Alice in Wonderland' swap & it happens to be for a paper doll. I have never actually created my own paper doll, but I felt I was up to the challenge because of my general knowledge & experience in this area, LOL. OK...I'm hooked!!! I'm in love with making paper dolls! I can't get enough of them. The search for the perfect face or dress or tights is all consuming, everything must wait until I find the perfect pair of wings. So now, at 53, for hours, I sit on the floor with my scissors & obsess & cut out & play with my paper dolls & it is still such a sweet & simple joy! Here are a few of my new creations..I adore them!