Friday, December 11, 2009
Festival of Lights at The Mission Inn in Riverside, CA
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It's a Wonderful Life & a Blog Banner for a Friend

Have you ever just felt stuck? It's only been snowing for a couple of days now & already I'm experiencing the dreaded 'Cabin Fever'! I feel like I have places to go & people to see, Christmas shopping that needs to be finished, parcels that need to be mailed, wrappings & bows that need to be bought & eggnog that's calling my name at the store, but we're snowed in so here I sit in my robe trying to stay warm & hoping by some miracle {called Robert} that we'll be able to get out today! Trying not to feel sorry for myself, I decided to watch 'It's A Wonderful Life' my favorite Christmas movie & work on a surprise gift for a friend, a personal blog banner. Lucy at the hill has been a sweet blog friend to me. I love her blog & photographs, so this morning I played with them & hope she likes what I came up with. The initial background texture is by 'Playing With Brushes', but all the other layers are from Lucy's blog. Now, with my Holiday Classic over & my banner finished for the moment, I'm reminded that "no man is a failure who has friends" & that the friends & loved ones we have make us the "richest man in town", or woman! Thank you friends for I am so very rich indeed!!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Christmas & Disneyland
{me at Disneyland for my 53rd birthday 11/25/09, this was before my daughter told me my birthday buttons looked like pasties...I moved them! LOL}
Growing up in the late 50's, Disneyland was every child's dream. If you were lucky enough to have grown up in southern California it was often more then a dream. If you were really lucky, your parents saved their nickles & dimes & once a year would pack up the kids, throw them in the back of the station wagon {without seat belts} & drive to Anaheim to go to the Happiest Place on Earth & if you were really, really lucky, your Daddy worked there!
I was born in Long Beach, CA because my Father joined the Marines right out of his High School in Illinois & was stationed in Oceanside. With the VA Bill he was able to go to college & buy our 1st house, but he worked 2 jobs to support his family & we never went without, a gift. One of his jobs was working at Disneyland as a janitor back when Disneyland & the idea of amusement parks was brand new. My brother & I kept empty mayonnaise jars on our dresser. Every morning when we woke up the jars would be filled to the brim with shiny pennies, nickles & dimes. I would find a Disneyland pen light in my jar, while John might find a pop gun or giant pencil in his & of course we would always get TICKETS! Long after the rides had closed for the night & the smiling, sleepy children & worn out parents left the park, my Father swept Main Street. He cleaned the bathrooms & the shops & arcade that lined the street. He worked through the early morning hours while we were home asleep in our beds & at the end of his shift the work crew would divide up the remnants of abandoned toys & lost change & take them home to their children. Every morning when we awoke it was like Christmas!