Tomorrow is hubby's birthday & we're off to a vintage trailer rally for the
weekend & I can't wait to get back & show you all of our Vintage Vacation pics...
they'll be fabulous!!! Since I'm incommunicado, I thought I'd leave you with
TEN little things you may not know about me...soooo enjoy!
weekend & I can't wait to get back & show you all of our Vintage Vacation pics...
they'll be fabulous!!! Since I'm incommunicado, I thought I'd leave you with
TEN little things you may not know about me...soooo enjoy!
1. I hum when I'm nervous & when I'm out shopping. I don't really even
know I'm doing it. My best friend Lizzie brought it up once about 30 years ago.
She said it was cute, like I was comforting myself or something.
know I'm doing it. My best friend Lizzie brought it up once about 30 years ago.
She said it was cute, like I was comforting myself or something.
2. I'm obsessed with Reality TV. It started with 'Survivor', then
'American Idol', then 'So You Think You Can Dance', then 'Big Brother',
then...please don't make me tell you anymore.
My cheeks are red with shame!
3. I have a genetic defect! I can't stand for a baby...any baby to cry,
a stranger's baby to cry. It breaks my heart. I will do anything,
I mean anything to make a baby stop crying!
No amount of money is too much, I will hold or rock or walk a baby
until my back breaks in the effort to ease it's pain. {thus, my baby's
never cried themselves to sleep}
6. I do 80% of my work on my huge Cal King bed. Weird huh?
I love to bring all my junk up on the bed, turn on a movie I adore
& spread out & play. {as we speak, guess where I am?}

7. One of my favorite movies is 'Friends With Money'.
I love this movie for many reasons, but the thing I relate to the most is
the 1 friend who hates to wash her hair cuz 'It makes her arms hurt.'
I hate to wash my hair!

8. I'm allergic to beets & penicillin.

9. I'm an organ donor & when I die I want to be cremated. I'd like my
ashes to be kept with family & friends, but I do want a little bit of them
to be covertly brought into Disneyland & sprinkled in some of their flower beds.
Is that a bad thing? {it's like fertilizer, right?}
10. I don't cook. I look at beautiful blogs where they have photographed
these amazing meals they've created & think, 'I should do that,
that's soooo cool...what an inspiring post'.
Then I remember...I don't cook.
So there's a little bit about me.
What's a little something about you that I don't know?
I would love for you to tell me!