Monday, December 28, 2009
The Three Muses 'Old & New' & Telluride, CO
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Lots of Llama Love in Colorado
Friday, December 11, 2009
Festival of Lights at The Mission Inn in Riverside, CA
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It's a Wonderful Life & a Blog Banner for a Friend

Have you ever just felt stuck? It's only been snowing for a couple of days now & already I'm experiencing the dreaded 'Cabin Fever'! I feel like I have places to go & people to see, Christmas shopping that needs to be finished, parcels that need to be mailed, wrappings & bows that need to be bought & eggnog that's calling my name at the store, but we're snowed in so here I sit in my robe trying to stay warm & hoping by some miracle {called Robert} that we'll be able to get out today! Trying not to feel sorry for myself, I decided to watch 'It's A Wonderful Life' my favorite Christmas movie & work on a surprise gift for a friend, a personal blog banner. Lucy at the hill has been a sweet blog friend to me. I love her blog & photographs, so this morning I played with them & hope she likes what I came up with. The initial background texture is by 'Playing With Brushes', but all the other layers are from Lucy's blog. Now, with my Holiday Classic over & my banner finished for the moment, I'm reminded that "no man is a failure who has friends" & that the friends & loved ones we have make us the "richest man in town", or woman! Thank you friends for I am so very rich indeed!!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Christmas & Disneyland
{me at Disneyland for my 53rd birthday 11/25/09, this was before my daughter told me my birthday buttons looked like pasties...I moved them! LOL}
Growing up in the late 50's, Disneyland was every child's dream. If you were lucky enough to have grown up in southern California it was often more then a dream. If you were really lucky, your parents saved their nickles & dimes & once a year would pack up the kids, throw them in the back of the station wagon {without seat belts} & drive to Anaheim to go to the Happiest Place on Earth & if you were really, really lucky, your Daddy worked there!
I was born in Long Beach, CA because my Father joined the Marines right out of his High School in Illinois & was stationed in Oceanside. With the VA Bill he was able to go to college & buy our 1st house, but he worked 2 jobs to support his family & we never went without, a gift. One of his jobs was working at Disneyland as a janitor back when Disneyland & the idea of amusement parks was brand new. My brother & I kept empty mayonnaise jars on our dresser. Every morning when we woke up the jars would be filled to the brim with shiny pennies, nickles & dimes. I would find a Disneyland pen light in my jar, while John might find a pop gun or giant pencil in his & of course we would always get TICKETS! Long after the rides had closed for the night & the smiling, sleepy children & worn out parents left the park, my Father swept Main Street. He cleaned the bathrooms & the shops & arcade that lined the street. He worked through the early morning hours while we were home asleep in our beds & at the end of his shift the work crew would divide up the remnants of abandoned toys & lost change & take them home to their children. Every morning when we awoke it was like Christmas!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Lambs & Ivy Boutique, My Other Home
If you've been following along with me for a while, you already know I own a small boutique here in Crestline high atop the mountains of Southern California. My shop is many things to me. It's my home away from home, my art studio, my business, my job & my pride. {I am a woman entrepreneur trying to make it in an economic environment that would intimidate even the most seasoned businessman.} Don't you love these vintage Christmas ornaments I have in the shop displayed in un-polished sterling silver serving bowls?
I decided to put all my sterling silver out un-polished this season, I'm just loving the pure shabbiness of it all!
My dear friend Lucy of 'by the hill' makes some of the most gorgeous domino pendants! Here is a small sampling of the ones I was working on today at the shop. {we had our 1st snow last night, so it was a lovely day for creating} Yes Lucy, I was proud of myself...I even got my fingertips really dirty!
The pieces below I made just for me, an altered composition book to keep all my consignee's information in & my new pocket, 2010 calender. If I'm going to be using it & looking at it everyday, I want it to be lovely & represent a piece of who I am. I want it to bring me joy, because friends...I believe to find joy in the smallest of things is simply put, the road to a happy life!
Now, I haven't completely conquered this philosophy myself, LOL, but I try everyday to appreciate the gifts in life that I do have. Oh yeah...the whole reason I wrote this post in the 1st place, how do you like the little logo I made in Photoshop for my shop 'Lambs & Ivy'? I wanted to create something in black & white just for fun & then I'll make another 1 in color's good practice for my new acquired Photoshop Super Powers!:) Have a Wonderful Sunday Friends!!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Joshua Tree National Park

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Paper Dolls, My New OCD!

It all started so innocently. I have always loved paper dolls, as a child one of my favorite memories is when my Mother would get her McCall's magazine issue & I would get my new Betsy McCall paper doll. Carefully I would tear out the page & sit on the floor with my scissors & cut out Betsy or one of her friends & a bevy of cute outfits for her to wear...what a sweet & simple joy. Well, I recently joined an 'Alice in Wonderland' swap & it happens to be for a paper doll. I have never actually created my own paper doll, but I felt I was up to the challenge because of my general knowledge & experience in this area, LOL. OK...I'm hooked!!! I'm in love with making paper dolls! I can't get enough of them. The search for the perfect face or dress or tights is all consuming, everything must wait until I find the perfect pair of wings. So now, at 53, for hours, I sit on the floor with my scissors & obsess & cut out & play with my paper dolls & it is still such a sweet & simple joy! Here are a few of my new creations..I adore them!